The Wicked City
Name: The Wicked City
Release year: 1992
Status: Completed
Country: Hong Kong
Genre: Drama
Based on the anime adaptation of the same name, which itself is based on a novel. Taki is assigned to go after Daishu, a businessman who is suspected by the police to be selling the drug "happiness", a drug from the Rapter's world that causes people to "evaporate" if they stop taking it. Actually it is another group of Rapters that are selling the happiness. The second group attacks Daishu's group, and eventually Taki, Daishu, and Daishu's daughter join forces to fight the evil Rapters. Lots of psychic powers, shape changing and general weirdness.
List Episode
The Wicked City Episode 1
2015-02-03 13:22:07